About Institute
Welcome to the North-Western Institute of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)!
The North-Western Institute is a branch of the largest law school in Russia, the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). The University’s history goes back to December 1931 when the Government made a decision to widen higher legal education to provide the state with a sufficient number of highly-qualified lawyers. At the University, students shall receive fundamental theoretical knowledge, practical skills and learn to understand a soul of jurisprudence. Motto of the MSAL is Non scholae sed vitae discimus, which means We learn not for school, but for life.
The history of the North-Western Institute of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) began in May 1968 when the Minister of higher and secondary special education of the USSR issued an order to open a Training and Consulting Center of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute in Vologda. Since then, the Institute has come a long way from the training and consulting center and achieved the status of an Institute of the MSAL. In 2018 it celebrated its 50th anniversary! All students of the North-Western Institute receive a high-quality legal education and a prestigious diploma of the Moscow State Law University.
Nowadays the Institute of the MSAL is the largest scientific and educational legal center in Vologda Region and one of major specialized legal universities in the North-West of Russia. The Institute offers legal disciplines to full-time, part-time, Saturday-groups students in Bachelor’s programs, Specialist’s programs, Master’s programs, and advanced training courses. There are seven Departments:
- Administrative and financial law,
- Civil law and civil procedure,
- Labor and business law,
- Criminal law and criminology,
- Criminal procedure and forensics,
- State and law disciplines,
- Social and humanitarian disciplines and legal informatics.
Under Bachelor’s programs, the North-Western Institute provides courses in
- Jurisprudence and
- State and municipal administration,
under Specialist’s programs courses in
- Legal support for national security and
- Judicial and prosecutorial activities, and
under Master’s programs,in Jurisprudence, courses in
- Theory and practice of application of criminal law and criminal procedure law,
- Master of private law, and
- Lawyer in state and municipal bodies.
The Institute offers a great variety of courses of continued professional education.
The North-Western Institute is a major scientific legal center that carries out R&D projects. The academic staff of the Institute annually publish monographs, textbooks and scientific articles on a wide range of legal issues, and participate in all-Russian and international conferences and contests. Along with the Vologda branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the Institute releases a scientific and practical journal Issues of Vologda Region Legal Community, as well as an educational newspaper Lawyer (ЮристЪ). There are Student scientific clubs (laboratories) and the Student scientific society at the Institute.
The North-Western Institute has extensive facilities and resources, including three buildings with equipped auditoriums, a computer class, a stadium, and a library with a reading room. Students of the Institute have a remote access to the electronic library system of the MSAL. Using modern information technologies, the Institute combines face-to-face interactive and distance learning, and inclusive education. Students undergo practical training in state and municipal bodies, organizations and enterprises, and in the Legal Clinic of the Institute.
Since its foundation, the North-Western Institute has trained more than 10 thousand lawyers. Its graduates work in legislative and executive bodies, local government, judicial and law enforcement agencies, bar and notary chambers, legal structures of the largest enterprises and organizations of Vologda Region and the North-West of Russia.
The North-Western Institute is actively developing its international cooperation, both by following the international agreements signed by the Moscow State Law University and by forging its own partnerships with foreign universities. The students and academic staff of the Institute participate in international conferences and competitions, listen to the lectures delivered by overseas scholars, and are involved in academic mobility programs.
Students of the North-Western Institute enjoy a rich cultural life, take part in creative and sports contests, educational, volunteer and charitable affairs of the Institute, city, region and the North-West. There are women's and men's basketball, volleyball and mini-football teams in the Institute. The student editorial board publishes a monthly electronic journal StuDen’ which covers key events of social and educational life at the Institute. The center of students’ activity is the Student Council which unites the youth leaders and student teams at various levels of higher education.
Join us! Our Institute is your path to success!